Research article

Measurement and characterization of infrasound waves from the March 25, 2023 thunderstorm at the near equatorial

  • Received: 11 July 2023 Revised: 11 September 2023 Accepted: 25 October 2023 Published: 08 November 2023
  • Thunderstorm activity on March 25, 2023 provided a unique opportunity to study the mechanism of lightning events on changes in air pressure. In particular, this event made it possible to study changes in air pressure during thunderstorms using various instruments. This paper presented comprehensive results of infrasound, satellite data, weather radar and weather measurements at the ground during the storm. Observations of lightning events were confirmed using observational data from the International Space Station's Lightning Imaging Sensor (ISS LIS). This work estimated three spectral percentile values on infrasonic sensor data, time series interpolation of standard meteorology profiles, weather radar reflectivity and total radiant energy of lightning from ISS LIS observations during the day and night periods. As a result, during the investigation, it was seen that the recorded infrasound signal in the 0.6–0.8 Hertz (Hz) range was contaminated by background environmental noise, but in the 1–3 Hz band range it was consistent with the appearance of storms that produce high energy blows. Infrasound detection and electromagnetic lightning detection show good correlation up to a distance of 100 km from the infrasonic station. During a thunderstorm, the ISS LIS flight directly above the observation site detected more than 2,000 lightning events. In addition, the application of lightning detection from several independent instruments can provide a complete picture of the observed event.

    Citation: Mario Batubara, Masa-yuki Yamamoto, Islam Hosni Hemdan Eldedsouki Hamama, Musthofa Lathif, Ibnu Fathrio. Measurement and characterization of infrasound waves from the March 25, 2023 thunderstorm at the near equatorial[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2023, 9(4): 652-671. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2023035

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  • Thunderstorm activity on March 25, 2023 provided a unique opportunity to study the mechanism of lightning events on changes in air pressure. In particular, this event made it possible to study changes in air pressure during thunderstorms using various instruments. This paper presented comprehensive results of infrasound, satellite data, weather radar and weather measurements at the ground during the storm. Observations of lightning events were confirmed using observational data from the International Space Station's Lightning Imaging Sensor (ISS LIS). This work estimated three spectral percentile values on infrasonic sensor data, time series interpolation of standard meteorology profiles, weather radar reflectivity and total radiant energy of lightning from ISS LIS observations during the day and night periods. As a result, during the investigation, it was seen that the recorded infrasound signal in the 0.6–0.8 Hertz (Hz) range was contaminated by background environmental noise, but in the 1–3 Hz band range it was consistent with the appearance of storms that produce high energy blows. Infrasound detection and electromagnetic lightning detection show good correlation up to a distance of 100 km from the infrasonic station. During a thunderstorm, the ISS LIS flight directly above the observation site detected more than 2,000 lightning events. In addition, the application of lightning detection from several independent instruments can provide a complete picture of the observed event.


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