Research article Special Issues

Ultrasound carotid plaque segmentation via image reconstruction-based self-supervised learning with limited training labels

  • Academic editor: Biswajeet Pradhan
  • Received: 09 August 2022 Revised: 09 October 2022 Accepted: 13 October 2022 Published: 03 November 2022
  • Carotid total plaque area (TPA) is an important contributing measurement to the evaluation of stroke risk. Deep learning provides an efficient method for ultrasound carotid plaque segmentation and TPA quantification. However, high performance of deep learning requires datasets with many labeled images for training, which is very labor-intensive. Thus, we propose an image reconstruction-based self-supervised learning algorithm (IR-SSL) for carotid plaque segmentation when few labeled images are available. IR-SSL consists of pre-trained and downstream segmentation tasks. The pre-trained task learns region-wise representations with local consistency by reconstructing plaque images from randomly partitioned and disordered images. The pre-trained model is then transferred to the segmentation network as the initial parameters in the downstream task. IR-SSL was implemented with two networks, UNet++ and U-Net, and evaluated on two independent datasets of 510 carotid ultrasound images from 144 subjects at SPARC (London, Canada) and 638 images from 479 subjects at Zhongnan hospital (Wuhan, China). Compared to the baseline networks, IR-SSL improved the segmentation performance when trained on few labeled images (n = 10, 30, 50 and 100 subjects). For 44 SPARC subjects, IR-SSL yielded Dice-similarity-coefficients (DSC) of 80.14–88.84%, and algorithm TPAs were strongly correlated ($ r = 0.962 - 0.993 $, $ p $ < 0.001) with manual results. The models trained on the SPARC images but applied to the Zhongnan dataset without retraining achieved DSCs of 80.61–88.18% and strong correlation with manual segmentation ($ r = 0.852 - 0.978 $, $ p $ < 0.001). These results suggest that IR-SSL could improve deep learning when trained on small labeled datasets, making it useful for monitoring carotid plaque progression/regression in clinical use and trials.

    Citation: Ran Zhou, Yanghan Ou, Xiaoyue Fang, M. Reza Azarpazhooh, Haitao Gan, Zhiwei Ye, J. David Spence, Xiangyang Xu, Aaron Fenster. Ultrasound carotid plaque segmentation via image reconstruction-based self-supervised learning with limited training labels[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 1617-1636. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023074

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  • Carotid total plaque area (TPA) is an important contributing measurement to the evaluation of stroke risk. Deep learning provides an efficient method for ultrasound carotid plaque segmentation and TPA quantification. However, high performance of deep learning requires datasets with many labeled images for training, which is very labor-intensive. Thus, we propose an image reconstruction-based self-supervised learning algorithm (IR-SSL) for carotid plaque segmentation when few labeled images are available. IR-SSL consists of pre-trained and downstream segmentation tasks. The pre-trained task learns region-wise representations with local consistency by reconstructing plaque images from randomly partitioned and disordered images. The pre-trained model is then transferred to the segmentation network as the initial parameters in the downstream task. IR-SSL was implemented with two networks, UNet++ and U-Net, and evaluated on two independent datasets of 510 carotid ultrasound images from 144 subjects at SPARC (London, Canada) and 638 images from 479 subjects at Zhongnan hospital (Wuhan, China). Compared to the baseline networks, IR-SSL improved the segmentation performance when trained on few labeled images (n = 10, 30, 50 and 100 subjects). For 44 SPARC subjects, IR-SSL yielded Dice-similarity-coefficients (DSC) of 80.14–88.84%, and algorithm TPAs were strongly correlated ($ r = 0.962 - 0.993 $, $ p $ < 0.001) with manual results. The models trained on the SPARC images but applied to the Zhongnan dataset without retraining achieved DSCs of 80.61–88.18% and strong correlation with manual segmentation ($ r = 0.852 - 0.978 $, $ p $ < 0.001). These results suggest that IR-SSL could improve deep learning when trained on small labeled datasets, making it useful for monitoring carotid plaque progression/regression in clinical use and trials.


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