Research article

A novel compact broadband and radiation efficient antenna design for medical IoT healthcare system

  • Received: 28 December 2021 Revised: 25 January 2022 Accepted: 07 February 2022 Published: 11 February 2022
  • This paper investigates and develops a novel compact broadband and radiation efficient antenna design for the medical internet of things (M-IoT) healthcare system. The proposed antenna comprises of an umbrella-shaped metallic ground plane (UsMGP) and an improved radiator. A hybrid approach is employed to obtain the optimal results of antenna. The proposed solution is primarily based on the utilization of etching slots and a loaded stub on the ground plane and rectangular patch. The antenna consists of a simple rectangular patch, a 50 Ƹ microstrip feed line, and a portion of the ground plane printed on a relatively inexpensive flame retardant material (FR4) thick substrate with an overall compact dimension of 22 × 28 × 1.5 mm3. The proposed antenna offers compact, broadband and radiation efficient features. The antenna is carefully designed by employing the approximate calculation formulae extracted from the transmission line model. Besides, the parameters study of important variables involved in the antenna design and its influence on impedance matching performance are analyzed. The antenna shows high performance, including impedance bandwidth of 7.76 GHz with a range of 3.65Ƀ11.41 GHz results in 103% wider relative bandwidth at 10 dB return loss, 82% optimal radiation efficiency in the operating band, reasonable gain performance, stable monopole-shaped radiation patterns and strong current distribution across the antenna lattice. The suggested antenna is manufactured, and simulation experiments evaluate its performance. The findings indicate that the antenna is well suited for medical IoT healthcare systems applications.

    Citation: Zaheer Ahmed Dayo, Muhammad Aamir, Shoaib Ahmed Dayo, Imran A. Khoso, Permanand Soothar, Fahad Sahito, Tao Zheng, Zhihua Hu, Yurong Guan. A novel compact broadband and radiation efficient antenna design for medical IoT healthcare system[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(4): 3909-3927. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022180

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  • This paper investigates and develops a novel compact broadband and radiation efficient antenna design for the medical internet of things (M-IoT) healthcare system. The proposed antenna comprises of an umbrella-shaped metallic ground plane (UsMGP) and an improved radiator. A hybrid approach is employed to obtain the optimal results of antenna. The proposed solution is primarily based on the utilization of etching slots and a loaded stub on the ground plane and rectangular patch. The antenna consists of a simple rectangular patch, a 50 Ƹ microstrip feed line, and a portion of the ground plane printed on a relatively inexpensive flame retardant material (FR4) thick substrate with an overall compact dimension of 22 × 28 × 1.5 mm3. The proposed antenna offers compact, broadband and radiation efficient features. The antenna is carefully designed by employing the approximate calculation formulae extracted from the transmission line model. Besides, the parameters study of important variables involved in the antenna design and its influence on impedance matching performance are analyzed. The antenna shows high performance, including impedance bandwidth of 7.76 GHz with a range of 3.65Ƀ11.41 GHz results in 103% wider relative bandwidth at 10 dB return loss, 82% optimal radiation efficiency in the operating band, reasonable gain performance, stable monopole-shaped radiation patterns and strong current distribution across the antenna lattice. The suggested antenna is manufactured, and simulation experiments evaluate its performance. The findings indicate that the antenna is well suited for medical IoT healthcare systems applications.


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