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The asymptotic concentration approach combined with isogeometric analysis for topology optimization of two-dimensional linear elasticity structures

  • Received: 26 February 2023 Revised: 01 May 2023 Accepted: 06 May 2023 Published: 12 May 2023
  • We propose an asymptotic concentration approach combined with isogeometric analysis (IGA) for the topology optimization of two-dimensional (2D) linear elasticity structures under the commonly-used framework of the solid isotropic materials and penalty (SIMP) model. Based on the SIMP framework, the B-splines are used as basis functions to describe geometric model in structural finite element analysis, which closely combines geometric modeling with structural analysis. Isogeometric analysis is utilized to define the geometric characteristics of the 2D linear elasticity structures, which can greatly improve the calculation accuracy. In addition, to eliminate the gray-scale intervals usually caused by the intermediate density in the SIMP approach, we utilize the asymptotic concentration method to concentrate the intermediate density values on either 0 or 1 gradually. Consequently, the intermediate densities representing gray-scale intervals in topology optimization results are sufficiently eliminated by virtue of the asymptotic concentration method. The effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method are illustrated by several typical examples.

    Citation: Mingtao Cui, Wang Li, Guang Li, Xiaobo Wang. The asymptotic concentration approach combined with isogeometric analysis for topology optimization of two-dimensional linear elasticity structures[J]. Electronic Research Archive, 2023, 31(7): 3848-3878. doi: 10.3934/era.2023196

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  • We propose an asymptotic concentration approach combined with isogeometric analysis (IGA) for the topology optimization of two-dimensional (2D) linear elasticity structures under the commonly-used framework of the solid isotropic materials and penalty (SIMP) model. Based on the SIMP framework, the B-splines are used as basis functions to describe geometric model in structural finite element analysis, which closely combines geometric modeling with structural analysis. Isogeometric analysis is utilized to define the geometric characteristics of the 2D linear elasticity structures, which can greatly improve the calculation accuracy. In addition, to eliminate the gray-scale intervals usually caused by the intermediate density in the SIMP approach, we utilize the asymptotic concentration method to concentrate the intermediate density values on either 0 or 1 gradually. Consequently, the intermediate densities representing gray-scale intervals in topology optimization results are sufficiently eliminated by virtue of the asymptotic concentration method. The effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method are illustrated by several typical examples.


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