Review Special Issues

Nexus between water, energy, food and climate change as challenges facing the modern global, European and Polish economy

  • Received: 13 July 2020 Accepted: 23 September 2020 Published: 30 September 2020
  • The relationship between food, energy and water is an increasingly significant cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary relationship and has an impact on the management of enterprises operating in these sectors. Phenomena occurring in one sector are closely related to others and affect them. In the 21st century, each sector cannot be considered separately, as development and innovation necessitate a holistic view. New varieties of plants or animals are not only the domain of agriculture, but bioengineering and natural sciences. Plant cultivation or animal husbandry also requires knowledge of physics, chemistry, meteorological conditions and earth sciences, and human economic activity has an impact on the environment and progressive climate change. The article reviews and discusses the existing relationships and presents examples of solutions for reducing energy expenditure, reducing water consumption used in industry and agriculture.

    Citation: Piotr F. Borowski. Nexus between water, energy, food and climate change as challenges facing the modern global, European and Polish economy[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2020, 6(4): 397-421. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2020022

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  • The relationship between food, energy and water is an increasingly significant cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary relationship and has an impact on the management of enterprises operating in these sectors. Phenomena occurring in one sector are closely related to others and affect them. In the 21st century, each sector cannot be considered separately, as development and innovation necessitate a holistic view. New varieties of plants or animals are not only the domain of agriculture, but bioengineering and natural sciences. Plant cultivation or animal husbandry also requires knowledge of physics, chemistry, meteorological conditions and earth sciences, and human economic activity has an impact on the environment and progressive climate change. The article reviews and discusses the existing relationships and presents examples of solutions for reducing energy expenditure, reducing water consumption used in industry and agriculture.


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