Special Issue: Mathematical models on neoplastic diseases, inflammation, and current therapeutic strategies

Guest Editors

Prof. Evans K. Afenya
Department of Mathematics, Elmhurst University, USA
Email: evansa@elmhurst.edu

Dr. Suneel Mundle
Department of Biochemistry, Rush Medical University, USA
Email: smundle@its.jnj.com

Manuscript Topics

Significant advances have been made over the past few decades in the detection, treatment, and management of many neoplastic diseases. However, a lot still remains to be done in guaranteeing prolonged remissions and preventing relapses as the fight continues against these diseases and the search proceeds for finding robust curative conditions. The challenges presented by the various neoplastic diseases that are supposedly stimulated and propelled in a number of biomedical circumstances and conditions by the phenomenon of inflammation and that evade early detection in a number of cases need continued attention from researchers in various related fields of endeavor including mathematical modeling. These challenges also prompt continuous spotlight on improvements and drawbacks arising from current therapeutic strategies that are aimed at mitigating the various neoplastic diseases and their negative effects, which need to be addressed. It is most important to mention that therapy, which constitutes the main mechanism for delivering benefits to patients in clinical research and practice, suggests that attention also needs to be focused, among other things, on: 1) impact of specific starting therapy and sequence of therapy on overall survival in malignancies where multiple therapies are available in different lines of therapy, 2) predictability of clinical response on retreatment of a patient after once responding during prior exposure, and 3) modeling-driven artificial intelligence based algorithms informing treatment choices for the best oncologic outcomes.

To promote, highlight, and stimulate the continuing importance of the fight against neoplastic diseases and to continue expanding and extending knowledge in this milieu, we are calling for excellent scientific papers on mathematical modeling that address the above subject matter and the issues raised.

Instructions for authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system

Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 August 2024

Published Papers({{count}})

Special Issue Topical Section Recurring Topics Special Issue
{{article.year}}, Volume {{article.volume}}, Issue {{article.issue}}: {{article.fpage | processPage:article.lpage:6}}. doi: {{article.doi}}
{{article.articleStateNameEn}}Available online{{article.preferredDate | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}} doi: {{article.doi}}
Abstract Abstract HTML HTML PDF Cited ({{article.citedByCount}}) Viewed ({{article.visitArticleCount}})