Special Issue: Barriers to and drivers for renewable energy development

Guest Editors

Prof. Willi Semmler
The New School for Social Research, New York,USA
Email: semmlerw@newschool.edu

Dr. Ibrahim Tahri
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, German
Email: tahri@pik-potsdam.de

Dr. Stefan Wrzaczek
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Vienna, Austria
Email: wrzaczek@iiasa.ac.at

Manuscript Topics

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy is a pressing matter as the world appears to approach the tipping points of certain components of the climate system, which, if crossed, would result in large and potentially irreversible changes to the climate system. A key factor in this transition is the timely development of renewable energy which would reduce reliance on fossil-fuel energy sources and, therefore, cut global carbon emissions. The diffusion of renewable energy, over the past two decades, has witnessed an important development, but due to the critical urgency to deal with climate change and its impact on society’s welfare, it is urgent to study further the barriers and the drivers for renewable energy development calling for a more comprehensive approach.

A comprehensive study of renewable energy development necessitates a microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial analysis. From the micro-dynamic perspective, the choice of discounting for green project selections, the analysis of renewable firms’ entry dynamics; their competition with incumbent firms, and the feasibility and availability of new energy sources from an engineering perspective are all important to understand the drivers and barriers at the energy sector level. On the macro-dynamic level, studying the interactions among the macroeconomic actors of the economy is necessary to understand the impact of setting standards, regulations, and the effects of monetary and fiscal policies in promoting the development of renewable energy sectors, or on the contrary, in hindering them as governments often have urgent and competing multiple policy objectives. Finally, financial markets are important for the acceleration (or slowing down) of flows of financial resources (credit, equity, bonds) directed to renewable energy development. Studying the role of the financial sector and investors’ behaviour toward risky projects is eminent for that purpose. Advanced modeling techniques have been developed for what is now called sustainable finance.

This special issue seeks to encourage research and provide insightful, engaging, and realistic solutions for the development of renewable energy. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Alternative approaches to discounting (hyperbolic discounting, loss aversion, discounting in random environments).
• Innovations in green technology: the distance between the science frontier and industrial feasibility.
• Entry barriers into the energy sector: newcomers vs. incumbents, game theoretic approaches to energy competition, and strategic behaviours.
• Limited fossil fuel resources, extraction costs, backstop technology, resources of renewable energy
• Sustainable macro policies; monetary and fiscal policies decisions operating under a multi-objective perspective, dynamic multi-objective optimization
• Decarbonization of the energy sector, optimal control models vs. behavioural models regarding energy transition
• Physical and financial risks of climate change, asset devaluation risks, stabilization of the financial sector
• Financial sector and financial instruments for the energy transition, green asset pricing, static and dynamic portfolio performance with green assets
• Mixed economic strategies and sectoral transition of energy-intensive industries

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Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 August 2024

Published Papers({{count}})

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