Special Issue: Sustainable E-Mobility

Guest Editor

Prof. Mohan Lal Kolhe
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Faculty of Engineering and Science, University of Agder, Norway
Email: mohan.l.kolhe@uia.no

Manuscript Topics

Sustainable transport systems make a positive contribution in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and socio-economic sustainable developments of the communities. At present, transport sector is highly reliant on fossil fuels and accounted around 35% of CO2 emissions from the end-use sectors in 2021. It is urgently needed to make transport sector more sustainable considering Net Zero Scenario by developing and implementing appropriate policies to encourage having least carbon-intensive transport system. Mobility transition is covering many aspects of the social, technological and policy process for making transport (covering private and public transport system) more sustainable with integration of clean energy technologies.

Electric mobility (i.e., E-mobility) is contributing significantly in achieving the Net Zero target. The advancements and developments of E-mobility are major forward-looking issues for the automotive industries. Due to continuous advancements in the electro-mechanical and electro-chemical energy conversion systems, the penetration of e-mobility within the public and private transport systems is increasing exponentially.

The AIMS Energy is launching a special issue on Sustainable E-Mobility. It is going to cover the advancements in use of electric vehicles including electrified public transport (e.g., railways, shipping, buses, heavy duty trucks, etc.). This special issue is focussing on technological advancements in electric vehicles, electric vehicle drive systems, battery energy technologies, electric vehicle fast charging stations, integration of electric vehicles in the smart grid environment, prospects and challenges of electric vehicles penetrations with policy development and implementations, etc. In this Special issue, high quality research articles are invited for peer-review process. This special issue covers original research and review studies related to the topics of e-mobility, particularly including but not limited to the following fields:

• Electric Vehicles’ Design and Modelling
• Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion Systems of E-mobility
• Electro-Chemical Energy Conversion Systems of E-mobility
• Power Conditioning Devices for Energy Efficient Operation of E-mobility
• Advancements in Battery Technologies for Applications in E-Mobility
• Electric Motor and Drive Systems for E-Mobility
• Electric Vehicle Charging Management Systems
• Electric Vehicle’s Fast Charging Stations
• Energy Pricing Mechanisms for Users at Fast Charging Stations
• Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station using Distributed Energy Resources
• Operational Architecture of Electric Vehicles Fast Charging Station with Grid Interaction.

Instruction for Authors
Please submit your manuscript to online submission system

Paper Submission

All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed before their acceptance for publication. The deadline for manuscript submission is 31 December 2024

Published Papers({{count}})

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