Research article

Smart grid systems infrastructures and distributed solar power generation in urban slums–A case study and energy policy in Rio de Janeiro

  • Received: 31 January 2023 Revised: 19 April 2023 Accepted: 28 April 2023 Published: 11 May 2023
  • This article discusses the relationship between urban slums and the management of the urban infrastructure network (electrification). An extensive survey of the scientific literature on the subject points out the main challenges and possible solutions for fixing precarious electrical infrastructure in urban slums through the promotion of public policies and the establishment of new arrangements based on distributed generation technologies and smart grid. A dialogue was also developed involving topics such as sustainable development and electrification of slums; relationship between communities and modernization of electrification; and emerging and sustainable technologies in the context of urban slums. Thus, a design was constructed that triggered a discussion of the relationship between this work and several other works found in the literature. This research indicates the need to strengthen local governance and the participation of urban slums for the technological modernization of the local electrical network, mainly with the implementation of smart grid and photovoltaic generation systems.

    Citation: Wesly Jean, Antonio C. P. Brasil Junior, Eugênia Cornils Monteiro da Silva. Smart grid systems infrastructures and distributed solar power generation in urban slums–A case study and energy policy in Rio de Janeiro[J]. AIMS Energy, 2023, 11(3): 486-502. doi: 10.3934/energy.2023025

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  • This article discusses the relationship between urban slums and the management of the urban infrastructure network (electrification). An extensive survey of the scientific literature on the subject points out the main challenges and possible solutions for fixing precarious electrical infrastructure in urban slums through the promotion of public policies and the establishment of new arrangements based on distributed generation technologies and smart grid. A dialogue was also developed involving topics such as sustainable development and electrification of slums; relationship between communities and modernization of electrification; and emerging and sustainable technologies in the context of urban slums. Thus, a design was constructed that triggered a discussion of the relationship between this work and several other works found in the literature. This research indicates the need to strengthen local governance and the participation of urban slums for the technological modernization of the local electrical network, mainly with the implementation of smart grid and photovoltaic generation systems.


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