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Phenological cycle and physicochemical characteristics of avocado cultivars in subtropical conditions

  • Received: 27 January 2017 Accepted: 21 May 2017 Published: 24 May 2017
  • Avocado has a great potential as a commercial crop in southern Brazil, for its high productivity, rusticity, and multiple uses. Its high oil content can be explored for biodiesel production with advantages over other crops. This study comprised six avocado cultivars-Geada, Fortuna, Fuerte, Margarida, Primavera and Quintal-belonging to the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR) collection, from Londrina, Brazil (23° 23′ S, 50° 11′ W). Analysis of fruit growth (length and diameter) allowed the classification of the cultivars into groups showing early, midseason, and late maturation, which were harvested in March/April, May/June, and July/August, respectively. The fruits were analyzed to assess their pulp, peel, and seed proportions, and their levels of oil (pulp) and starch (seed). Results showed these six cultivars are good alternatives for oil extraction. Fuerte stands out as the most adequate for biodiesel production from pulp and seed due to its higher yield of oil and starch. The fruit cycle diversity of these cultivars might allow combining them for prolonged fruit production, both for fresh fruit marketing and biodiesel supply, as well as possibly using fruit pulp for oil extraction and seed starch for alcohol production.

    Citation: Geovanna Cristina Zaro, Paulo Henrique Caramori, Cíntia Sorane Good Kitzberger, Fernanda Aparecida Sales, Sergio Luiz Colucci de Carvalho, Cássio Egidio Cavenaghi Prete. Phenological cycle and physicochemical characteristics of avocado cultivars in subtropical conditions[J]. AIMS Energy, 2017, 5(3): 517-528. doi: 10.3934/energy.2017.3.517

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  • Avocado has a great potential as a commercial crop in southern Brazil, for its high productivity, rusticity, and multiple uses. Its high oil content can be explored for biodiesel production with advantages over other crops. This study comprised six avocado cultivars-Geada, Fortuna, Fuerte, Margarida, Primavera and Quintal-belonging to the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR) collection, from Londrina, Brazil (23° 23′ S, 50° 11′ W). Analysis of fruit growth (length and diameter) allowed the classification of the cultivars into groups showing early, midseason, and late maturation, which were harvested in March/April, May/June, and July/August, respectively. The fruits were analyzed to assess their pulp, peel, and seed proportions, and their levels of oil (pulp) and starch (seed). Results showed these six cultivars are good alternatives for oil extraction. Fuerte stands out as the most adequate for biodiesel production from pulp and seed due to its higher yield of oil and starch. The fruit cycle diversity of these cultivars might allow combining them for prolonged fruit production, both for fresh fruit marketing and biodiesel supply, as well as possibly using fruit pulp for oil extraction and seed starch for alcohol production.

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