Review Topical Sections

Survey on security and privacy issues in cyber physical systems

  • Received: 13 December 2018 Accepted: 27 March 2019 Published: 16 April 2019
  • The notion of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is proposed by the National ScientificFoundation to describe a type of systems which combine hardware and software components andbeing the next step in development of embedded systems. CPS includes a wide range of researchtopics ranging from signal processing to data analysis. This paper contains a brief review of the basicinfrastructure for CPS including smart objects and network aspects in relation to TCP/IP stack. AsCPS reflect the processes of the physical environment onto the cyber space, virtualisation as animportant tool for abstraction plays crucial role in CPS. In this context paper presents the challengesassociated with mobility and vritualisation; accordingly three main types of virtualisation, namelynetwork, devices and applications virtualisation are presented in the paper. These aspects are tightlycoupled with security and safety issues. Therefore, different threats, attack types with correspondingsubtypes and possible consequences are discussed as well as analysis of various approaches to copewith existing threats is introduced. In addition threat modelling approaches were also in scope of thiswork. Furthermore, needs and requirements for safety-critical CPS are reviewed. Thus the mainefforts of this paper are directed on introducing various aspects of the CPS with regard to securityand safety issues.

    Citation: Artem A. Nazarenko , Ghazanfar Ali Safdar. Survey on security and privacy issues in cyber physical systems[J]. AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2019, 3(2): 111-143. doi: 10.3934/ElectrEng.2019.2.111

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  • The notion of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is proposed by the National ScientificFoundation to describe a type of systems which combine hardware and software components andbeing the next step in development of embedded systems. CPS includes a wide range of researchtopics ranging from signal processing to data analysis. This paper contains a brief review of the basicinfrastructure for CPS including smart objects and network aspects in relation to TCP/IP stack. AsCPS reflect the processes of the physical environment onto the cyber space, virtualisation as animportant tool for abstraction plays crucial role in CPS. In this context paper presents the challengesassociated with mobility and vritualisation; accordingly three main types of virtualisation, namelynetwork, devices and applications virtualisation are presented in the paper. These aspects are tightlycoupled with security and safety issues. Therefore, different threats, attack types with correspondingsubtypes and possible consequences are discussed as well as analysis of various approaches to copewith existing threats is introduced. In addition threat modelling approaches were also in scope of thiswork. Furthermore, needs and requirements for safety-critical CPS are reviewed. Thus the mainefforts of this paper are directed on introducing various aspects of the CPS with regard to securityand safety issues.


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